Nesara Agri


Plant Nutrition and Deficiencies


Calcium is an important component of cell wall and is required in large quantities for cell division. It is a structural constituent of chromosomes. Excessive amounts of Calcium can decrease the availability of many micronutrients.


Calcium promotes root development and growth of plant as it is involved in root elongation and cell division.

It is an essential co-factor or an activator of a number of enzymes

It induces stiffness of straw and prevents lodging of plants.

It increases the crop resistance to certain diseases.

It corrects the soil pH and improves the intake of other nutrients like Nitrogen, Iron, Boron, Zinc, Copper and Manganese.

The structure of soil having Calcium becomes good and cation exchange capacity increases.

Calcium acts as a buffer and ameliorates the toxic effects of other nutrients if they are at toxic levels in the plant.

Deficiency Symptoms

Symptoms of Calcium deficiency resemble those of Boron deficiency.

Calcium deficiency causes chlorosis of young leaves, hooked terminal buds and die back of shoots.

Leaves become wrinkled and the young leaves remain folded.

It causes typical “blossom end rot” of many fruits and vegetables.

The normal growth of the plant is arrested and premature falling of flowers and fruits is observed.

Roots become short, stubby and brown.

Calcium deficiency causes acidity of soil.


Broadcast soil amendments like Gypsum/ Lime before planting @ 200 - 300 kg/acre based on soil analysis report.

Apply any of the Calcium containing fertilizers like Calcium Nitrate (CN), SSP or Gypsum as per the deficiency level.

Spray Calcium Nitrate @ 5 - 10 gm/ltr., two to three times at intervals of 10 days until crop recovers from the deficiency.