Nesara Agri


Plant Nutrition and Deficiencies


Magnesium is a very important constituent of chlorophyll. Several photosynthetic enzymes present in chlorophyll require Magnesium as cofactor. Its deficiency in soil is experienced later than that of Potassium.


Magnesium helps in the formation of chlorophyll.

It is indispensable for photosynthesis and imparts dark green color to leaves

It regulates the uptake of Nitrogen and Phosphorus from the soil.

It increases crop resistance to drought and diseases.

It helps in production and translocation of carbohydrates, proteins, fats and vitamins.

It plays an important role in synthesis of oils and fats

Deficiency Symptoms

It causes yellowing (chlorosis) of older leaves.

It causes typical interveinal chlorosis in most of the crops where the veins remain dark green.

However, in Cotton the leaves turn purplish red.

Acute deficiency may cause premature defoliation and fruit drop.


Apply Magnesium Sulphate @ 25 - 50 kg/ acre, two to three times at intervals of 20 - 25 days depending on the crop and crop stage.

Spray Magnesium Nitrate @ 5 - 10 gm/ltr or Magnesium Sulphate @ 5 - 10 gm/ltr two to three times at intervals of 15 days for immediate recovery.