Nesara Agri


Plant Nutrition and Deficiencies


Molybdenum has been found to be essential for certain Nitrogen transformation in microbes as well as in plants. It is thought to be an essential component in the process of Nitrogen fixation. Molybdenum concentrations in soil are lesser than those of any other elements.


It enhances symbiotic Nitrogen fixation and protein synthesis.

It regulates the activities of several enzymes.

It plays an essential role in the absorption and translocation of Iron in plants.

Deficiency Symptoms

Most of the vegetable crops are prone to Molybdenum deficiency

It produces “whip tail” in Cauliflower, Broccoli and other Brassica crops and “Downward Cupping” in Radish.

It inhibits flower formation.

If they do form, they abscise before setting fruits.

It reduces root nodulation in legumes and fail to fix the normal amounts of Nitrogen.


Spray Ammonium Molybdate /Sodium Molybdate @ 0.5 gm/ltr., 2-3 times at intervals of 15 days if deficiency is observed.

Treat the seeds @ 10 gm per kg seed in Leguminous crops for better nodulation, and Nitrogen.