Nesara Agri


Plant Nutrition and Deficiencies


Potassium is the third fertilizer element required for the quality of produce. Potassium acts as a chemical traffic policeman, root booster, stalk strengthener, food former, sugar and starch transporter, protein builder, breathing regulator, water stretcher and more importantly as a disease retarder. But it is not effective without its co-nutrients, Nitrogen and Phosphorus.


Potassium is an essential element for the development of chlorophyll and thereby photosynthesis, i.e., converting carbon dioxide and hydrogen into sugars and starch formation.

It is therefore of special value for crops like Sugarcane and Potatoes.

It enables the crop to withstand adverse climatic conditions (stress) by improving the health and vigour of the plant.

It strengthens the straw of cereals and thus reduces lodging.

It improves the quality of crops like vegetables, fruits, Sugarcane, Potato, Tobacco, etc.

It increases the crop resistance to certain diseases and counteracts the damaging effects of excess nitrogen

Potassium plays a very important role in production of quality fruits and vegetables.

It improves the plumpness and boldness of grains and seeds.

In general, it exerts a balancing effect on both Nitrogen and Phosphorus.

Deficiency Symptoms

Potassium deficiency can be observed in older leaves.

It causes chlorosis i.e., yellowing of leaves and leaf scorch in most fruit crops

The tips or margins of lower leaves become scorched or burnt (typical rim firing).

Growth is reduced with shortening of internodes and plants appear bushy.

It is also responsible for the “dying back tips” of shoots.

Deficiency has been observed to reduce the resistance of plants to infection by bacterial and fungal pathogens, which frequently infect the chlorotic areas between the veins


Apply any of the Potassium containing fertilizers like Muriate of Potash or Sulphate of Potash or 10:26:26

Apply additional quantity of Potash depending on the crop and stage of the crop.

Spray Potassium Nitrate or Sulphate of Potash @ 5 - 10 gm/ltr., two to three times at intervals of 15 days.